It’s like a buffet of decadent trash! Adorable, drunken, confused trash. And now I want to write an MLP/Silent Hill crossover fic wherein Apple Bloom is Heather Mason. Yeah. Thanks for the arts! We’ll see you next time, same challenge times same challenge place!

Artists Included:

PossumBrat (
dogg (
G-Haze (
Pabbles (

Oh Derps, I still wonder how you haven’t been banished from basically everywhere. You’re a walking disaster, and I love it. Meanwhile, apparently you should avoid water in Equestria… bad things seem to happen around it. And the CMC are too full of self-doubt to help.

Artists Included:

Douloug (
Outofworkderpy (
BronyGuard (
Lightning-the-Dustdevil/Envy-of-Estrosia (

It’s a figure of speech Bloom, ask Scoots about it. And be careful with those potions, that looks painful!

Thanks for the draws, and once again check our derpibooru tag for the less safe arts!

Artists Included:

M. Kogwheel (
BronyGuard (
Vanilla Cherry Cream (

The life of a pony can be quite difficult at times! 😀

Artists Featured:

David d. (
M.Kogwheel (
Lily Smith (
phallen1 (
Empyu (
Bitgamer (

Looks like Spike was so good at what he does he not only became a princess, he changed species! That must’ve been some powerful stuff!

Again apologies for my lack of reminder and the late challenge, but we got a good bunch of submissions tonight ^^ Hope to see you guys tomorrow for more challenges!

Artists Included:
JonFawkes (
Empyu (
Jaybeem (