
A cutie patootie and a meat lover! Not quite sure who the second gal is, but she’s here, and she likes sausage.

Thanks to Pabbles and our friendly neighborhood anon for submitting!

Artist: Pabbley (


It seems her sense of fashion for her customers has evolved, while her personal fashion sense has devolved!

Thanks to our two participants, Derpanater and Pabbley!

Derpanater (
Pabbley (


So it wasn’t colored in 30 minutes, but it WAS finished in 30 minutes. I was conversing with the artist at the time, so I know this to be true.

Anyway, they call this piece: LoFi beats to occupy a nation to.

Thanks for taking part, Derpanater!

Artist: Derpanater (


Two very Peeved creatures indeed!

Now, I left the box open by mistake and well, Pabbles did some extra work on their piece and submitted it again, after the official timer was long over. But i’m a Simp for Dash, so, i’m including it in this post. Just wanna make it clear that they didn’t make the following piece in 30 minutes or less.

And that’s all, folks!

Derpanater, Pabbles, thanks you for dropping by to do us an art!

Derpanater (
Pabbley (