The first one just makes me wonder what happened to her after that XD

The second is a tease :’D

The third is cute… but sadly reveals little for the mystery o3o

Anywho, thanks for participating! Hope you guys had fun~

We’ll see you all later for more stuff! Bye for now~


NSFW Art~!

We have a piece of art from the french kissing challenge! SciSet are clearly enjoying themselves to the fullest! You go, girls!

Thanks for submitting for that challenge, ShinyFilthyWork!

Artist: ShinyFilthyWork (


Demonic Yona looks like a mix between the Juggernaut and a Viking warrior! Which honestly makes sense. And then we get a much cuter demonification of the background six!

Thanks for taking the time to take part in this challenge you two!

Sunny Sidde-Down (
demonifier (http://)

NSFW Art~!

Seems Twilight and Spike have found themselves in the position of Filia and Samson! Though they both seem far hornier than their Skullgirll counterparts!

Thanks for taking part in this challenge, Sunny Sidde-Down! You’re always welcome here!

Artist: Sunny Sidde-Down (

NSFW Art~!

Mmm, yes very important lessons indeed! It would seem Luster is progressing a bit faster in her oral classes than her anal and vaginal ones. Gonna need to work on those skills a bit more, Ms. Dawn!

Many thanks to the two artists who took part in this challenge, Pabbles and Sunny Sidde-Down! Stop by anytime!

Pabbles (
Sunny Sidde-Down (

NSFW Art~!

Umm, Trixie you lost your…actually, nevermind, it’s all good. And ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to our new school counselor!…I think she’s gonna be very popular~

Thanks for deciding to hop in here for this challenge, ShinyFilthyWork and Sunny Sidde-Down! See ya again soon I hope!

ShinyFilthyWork (
Sunny Sidde-Down (

Late NSFW entry~!

While it wasn’t completed in the allotted time given, we here at 30 minute challenge like art, so we’re putting it up anyway!

I wonder who forgot the date though? Because I can see this working for either of them as a punishment for forgetting it. Either way, they’re clearly having fun!

Thanks for taking the time to do the challenge, Sunny-Sidde Down! Even if ya were a little late at the end.

Artist: Sunny Sidde-Down (

NSFW Art~!

” An unlikely alliance, an even unlikelier outcome. Speed and beauty come together in this page turner by renowned author A. K. Yearling. It’ll have you on the edge the whole time! ” – Equestria’s Daily Bread.

” A fantastic look into the mind of Manehattan’s criminal elite, and the shipping is fantastic too! ” -The Garden Post.

” I never suspected intrigue and romance from an adventure writer, but here we are! I couldn’t put it down for even a moment! ” – Ponyville Now

” Why are you asking me for my opinion? I wrote the damn thing! That’s like skipping to the end to see if the journey is worth it! Go read it and make your own opinion, yeah? ” – A. K. Yearling.

Thanks for hopping onto this late challenge with us, Sunny Sidde-Down! Glad you would make it!

Artist: Sunny Sidde-Down (

NSFW Art~!

It would indeed sell copies of the issue! But probably only on hentai websites. And who can forget when Professor Aggressor hypnotized Masked Matterhorn into becoming their personal love slave for a who five issue arc!

Thanks for stopping by to take part in the challenge, Sunny Sidde-Down and Pabbles!

Sunny Sidde-Down (
Pabbles (


Ace Combat and a mix of mecha. I’d watch both of these!

Thanks so much for dropping by, Derpanater and Sunny Sidde-Down! Hope to see you both again soon!

Derpanater (
Sunny Sidde-Down (