Oh Pinkie, you silly pony! At least it’s not as messy as Celestia’s probably is though, heh. Hay is probably the most comfortable choice though.

Artists Included:

Lily Smith (http://thatgirlwithmorethanonename.tumblr.com)
MalWinters (http://malwinters.tumblr.com)
phallen1 (http://phallen1.deviantart.com/)

Apologies for the delay in getting these up, got called away for a while. But these are the only two submissions tonight! I guess Spider-Man counts? He is just a normal guy with spider powers o3o But d’aaaaww that Fluttershy ♥

Thanks to fuzzy and phallen for participating tonight! Hope to see you guys tomorrow for more challenges!

Artists Included:
phallen1 (http://phallen1.deviantart.com/)

Ha ha, what a delightful variety of airpones! :3 from paper to Peanuts and beyond!

Don’t forget to indulge in your complimentary snack before jumping out of the plane!

Heh, hope you guys had fun! ^^ we’ll see you next time for more challenge! G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

Bitgamer (http://bitgamer-nexus.tumblr.com)
Elfy (http://sketch-elf.tumblr.com)
phallen1 (http://phallen1.deviantart.com/)

I’m counting the bottom one as SFW since technically there isn’t anything showing. It just leaves very little to the imagination. But either way, great submissions from our three artists tonight! Wacky experiments all around!

Thanks for joining us tonight, we hope to see you all tomorrow for more challenges!

Artists Included:
phallen1 (http://phallen1.deviantart.com/)
Triin V (https://www.facebook.com/triinart)
Vedoze (http://vedoze.tumblr.com/)

It’s like an evolutionary line! 😮 cooooool!

And as always, obscenely cute :3

Hope you guys had a fun time! Apologies again for the tardiness!

We’ll see you next time for more challenge! Thanks for participating!

Artists Included:

lumineko (http://www.lumineko.com)
phallen1 (http://phallen1.deviantart.com/)

A lot of submissions tonight, just goes to prove that everyone loves ice cream! Thanks to everyone who participated, stay cool!

Artists Included:

Twilisaurus (http://Twilisaurus-art.tumblr.com)
lumineko (http://www.lumineko.com)
Jaybeem (http://jaybeaniemags.deviantart.com/)
Vanilla Cherry Cream (http://vanilla-cherry-cream.tumblr.com/)
Facelesskiwi (http://facelesskiwi.deviantart.com/)
phallen1 (http://phallen1.deviantart.com/)