Strip clubs galore! Or, well since ponies don’t normally wear clothes, I suppose they’d be erotic dance clubs? Either way, sexy and awesome! And of course, everyone’s favorite couple getting frisky in a danceclub, but can you really blame Trixie, given how hot her girlfriend is? I can’t! 

Thank you everyone who took part in the Luna challenge, and to everyone still taking part in the roundup! Love you all, keep being rad!

Artists Included:

LockeZero (
elbenjaftw (
PoneBoning (

Wow! Those are some pretty rad comic book covers if I do say so myself!

Thanks m0nster-c00kie and Derpanater for taking up today’s Cadance challenge! Given how often you guys participate, I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you like drawing, so we can’t wait to see you two for future challenges!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr)
Derpanater (

The internet and Pinkie have similar ideas on what to hold in their bags! Though I think Pinkie needs to redistribute her items a bit better…or perhaps, that IS the internet bag! And it was just to full of fun to fit that last toy in any other way!…ah, to fit it in the BAG in any other way, that is~

A big thank you to KD and Keboponda for taking part in the Twilight challenge! Hope you both enjoyed yourselves, and please feel free to join us when next a challenge is issued!

Artists Included:

KD (
Keboponda (

Well after that mountain of technical difficulties it looks like the Pink Energy is strong with these Ponies!!

Thank you everyone for participating and hope to see you again soon!

Artists Included:

Pabbles (
Omegapex (
KD (
m0nster-c00kie (

You know, that explains a lot about Pinkie…

And Shining, at least wait until your current wife isn’t watching, c’mon.

Thanks to CowsRTasty and Pabbles for your submissions!

See you all soon for another challenge!

Artists Included:

CowsRTasty (
Pabbles (