
Two from one, and one from another! Be it medical mask, cyber swag, or military grade gas mask,be sure to be safe out there everyone!

Thank you Floofu and Derpanater for your participation for this one! Glad you stopped by, and hope you’ll join us again soon!

Floofu (http://)
Derpanater (







Comedy = Tragedy + Time

And we’ve got all the time in the world.

Thanks for your circus show, Empyu and Pabbles!

See you all soon for another challenge!

Artists Featured:

Empyu (
Pabbles (


I’ve always wondered, how do ladies put those kinds of tops on? It’s gotta be a heck of a task, and this Glimmy doesn’t even have a horn to get magical assistance!

Thanks for taking part in this challenge, Empyu! Hope you’ll join us again soon for another challenge!

Artist: Empyu (