We’ve got 3 sfw submissions here… and one nsfw on Derpibooru! Pinchy is a young, you see. You can find that one using the 30minchallenge tag.

Hope you guys had fun setting up these shenanigans :3

We’ll see you next time for more challenge! Bye for now~

Artists Included:

Vanilla Cherry Cream (http://vanilla-cherry-cream.tumblr.com/)
TJ ( http://piratedashmod.tumblr.com/ )

It seems we’ve got no ferrety goodness, ah well!

There ain’t nothin’ wrong with a little jungle booty to make up for it~

Thanks for participating VCC! Hope you had fun!

We’ll see everyone later for the Twilight Challenge! Bye for now~

Artists Included:

Vanilla Cherry Cream (http://vanilla-cherry-cream.tumblr.com/)