Fox vs Bunny! Horse vs Deer! Snake vs Snake CHARMER!
So many forms, but only one will win!!

Thanks to our participants, atryl, Empyu and xbi!

Stay tuned for the Twilight Challenge!

Artists Included:

atryl (
Empyu (
xbi (

Why are two Twilights standing next to that toxic creature? >3> hmm.

As for Luna… well, accidents happen. Better break out the elements of apology!

Thanks for participating folks! Hope you had fun!

We’ll see you later for more challenge! Buh bye~

Artists Included:

platypus-in-a-bottle (
xbi (

EPS and CEPS might work together, or do you suppose they are opposite companies? Either way, their uniforms are looking great!

Thank you all for participating! We’ll see you soon for more!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (
Pich-un (
xbi (
Pabbles (

Dorks ready for water! 😀

Thanks for participating everyone! Hope you had fun!

Also! The Roundup is on!

Submit any art you like relating to any challenges we’ve ran in the past or fan arts for the blog, updated challenge pieces, things like that! Doesn’t matter how long you worked on it or how old the challenge was or anything, just toss it our way!

You’ve got until after the Twilight Challenge tomorrow to submit, the box will be open the whole time! Submit as much as you like!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (
Joey Waggoner (
Cammy (
MKogwheel (
Empyu (
xbi (
Pabbles (

So, I figure that they easily convinced Scoots to mow for them, and she wanted to own the lawnmower that Dash grew up with, so Bow gave it to her as an excuse to buy a sweet new riding cloudmower for himself!

Thanks for taking up the challenge today you guys, hope to see you all for the next one!

Artists Included:

Empyu (
xbi (

Whew, those Alicorn powers are being given out like candy on Halloween! Trixie, Bonbon, Roseluck, oh my!

Artists Included:

Derpanater (
dnon (
m0nster-c00kie (
Nel- Robert Dim (
xbi (
tacodeltaco (