A lot of submissions tonight, just goes to prove that everyone loves ice cream! Thanks to everyone who participated, stay cool!

Artists Included:

Twilisaurus (http://Twilisaurus-art.tumblr.com)
lumineko (http://www.lumineko.com)
Jaybeem (http://jaybeaniemags.deviantart.com/)
Vanilla Cherry Cream (http://vanilla-cherry-cream.tumblr.com/)
Facelesskiwi (http://facelesskiwi.deviantart.com/)
phallen1 (http://phallen1.deviantart.com/)

Today’s American challenge: Ice cream!

Draw a pony of your choice eating ice cream. Why? Because it’s hot outside and ice cream is a delicious way to cool down!

You have thirty minutes, have fun!

No Euro Challenge Today and Other Stuff


Unfortunately my schedule from Monday to Wednesday indefinitely will likely be full with other things during the European and Asian time slots.

Often there are others available for Euro, but at times there is not, as is the case today and tomorrow most likely.

Meanwhile I am the only mod for the Asian currently, meaning it is very likely that Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the least for a good while will not have The Asian Challenge.

There’s not really much to be done about the situation… except see if anyone out there is interested in joining the staff again!

Obviously this time around we’ve got a particular focus on needing people for the Euro and Asian time slots early in the week. Other availabilities will be considered, but those slots need someone to fill ‘em!

So, if you’re interested, leave a message in the 30minchallenge ‘ask’ box! Look forward to hearing from you!

No Euro today either! Also Asian!