Got another batch of sfw comin’!

Noticed the gif in the prior set was too big… which is why it isn’t gif-ing. But I don’t have a way to recover the gif version unfortunately. I think someone on the staff can, but I dunno when I’ll be able to get ahold of them.

Oooor Pintophile could send it again so I can set it up in all it’s wiggliness? I’ll open the box so it’s possible.

Artists Included:

MKogwheel (
Twilisaurus (
Empyu (
Willtngl (
BronyGuard (
Yuki (http://
Artist-Block-Alley (

A lot of submissions tonight, just goes to prove that everyone loves ice cream! Thanks to everyone who participated, stay cool!

Artists Included:

Twilisaurus (
lumineko (
Jaybeem (
Vanilla Cherry Cream (
Facelesskiwi (
phallen1 (