Ey, some really cool draws! Gilda and Dash both seem to be rockin’ their new looks, but maybe flying will take a bit of getting used to in those new bodies!

Thanks for participating tonight, everyone! Cheers and see you next time~

Artists Included:

Empyu (http://)
Zer0_Friction (http://)
hackd (http://hackdart.tumblr.com)
purplehorsedrawswhatever (http://purplehorsedrawswhatever.tumblr.com/)

Hmm. Big boob anthro or outdoing butterfly Rarity? Tough call!

Nice work guys! Hope you had fun~

If my box hiccup threw anyone off feel free to send a message and we’ll work it out.

Anyway, we’ll see you next time for more challenge! G’bye for now!

Artists Included:

purplehorsedrawswhatever (http://purplehorsedrawswhatever.tumblr.com/)
Keboponda (http://keboponda.tumblr.com)

Gave a bit o’ extra time for submissions just in case the late box open threw folks off ^^’

Heh, in any case seems we know what you folks like to spend your bits on~

Thanks for participating guys! Hope you had fun~

We’ll see you later tonight for more challenge! Bye for now!

Artists Included:

dogg (http://doggart.tumblr.com/)
purplehorsedrawswhatever (http://purplehorsedrawswhatever.tumblr.com/)