Covered in sausage? Now that’s comedy!

I’m a little surprised at the lack of giant booty or boobles though actually what with being such a big fella :3

Regardless a fine batch of Trouble Shoes, hmm? Hope you had fun with the best clown around!

See you tomorrow for more challenges! G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

phallen1 (
Vedoze (

Whoa! Those are some nice and interesting fetishes! Thanks for participating guys!

Hope you all had fun and that you’ll tune in for the next challenge! Bye for now~~

Artists Included:

KittenKnightBlog159 (
how big do i dare dream? (
Imani (
Vanilla Cherry Cream (
Vedoze (

I mean, REALLY, how lucky can one guy get?

He must know the key to a lady’s heart is through her stomach or something.

Anyway, no other daddies got drawn this time so here’s hoping you guys like a big ol’ slice of cake!

We’ll see you guys next time for more challenge! Hope you had fun~

Artists Included:

Vedoze (
FearingFun (