Whoa! Very nice submissions, guys! Though RD looks a little bit upset xD

Thank you for participating and tune in for the next challenge! G’bye!~

Artists Included:

KittenKnightBlog159 (http://kittenknightblog159.tumblr.com/)
Imani (https://www.weasyl.com/~angelhusky)
Frist (http://fristart.tumblr.com)
yeonang (http://yeonang.tumblr.com)

Heh, wonder how Rarity wrangled poor Flutterhy into modeling for her?

Ponk meanwhile goes for a nice self portrait :3

Pones drawing pones is always a treat regardless, yeah?

Thanks for participating guys, hope you had fun!

We’ll see you next time for mroe challenge! Bye for now!

Artists Included:

fraglantia (http://www.askfraglantia.tumblr.com)
yeonang (http://yeonang.tumblr.com/)

Daww. Cute lil’ cakes <3

Pine Cakes don’t sound all that tasty though when you think about it. All needley or tasting like wood @o@

Anyway, despite the late start I would say we got some fine drawings, hmm? Hope you guys had fun!

We’ll see you next time for more challenge! G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

M.Kogwheel (http://molecularkogwheel.deviantart.com/)
yeonang (http://yeonang.tumblr.com/)