let’s see those special eyes!

let’s see those special eyes!
tonight’s luna challenge is….ponies with glowing eyes!
How do they get their eyes to do that? Magic? Contacts? Or do they just have special eyes?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
luna challenge coming up!
It’s been much too long since the last roundup! So… time for a roundup!
For the next 24 hours you can…
And you can submit as much of any of those as you like. How long you worked on a thing doesn’t matter, this is just a way for everyone to show what they’ve made or where they’ve taken a piece we may have seen in a less complete state, that sort of thing. If you updated a piece last week it’s fine, if you scurry to color a piece in the next day, that’s fine. Whatever works!
Challenges will run as normal during this period, this is just an additional thing that will be going on.
So, get along little arties! Yeeehaw~ get in that box!
Whether they find their calling, go through a phase, are adorably awkward, or just lounge around being lazy, its just a thing everybeing’s gotta deal with in their lives!
Thanks to everyone who submitted for the challenge! Looking forwards to having you all back again real soon!
Artists Included:
TJPones (https://tjpones.tumblr.com/)
Tali (http://taligintou.tumblr.com/)
m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)
Looks like somepony just turned 18~! And what a lovely gift she got from her dad!
Thanks jcosneverexisted, for drawing a lewd of my favorite horse! And for just participating in general! Please join us again anytime!
Artists Included:
jcosneverexisted (http://jcosneverexisted.com/)
Today’s Twilight challenge is Teenagers! Every being in equestria, even the princesses themselves went through those awkward transitional years, full of raging hormones and awkward interactions and self discoveries.
Draw whoever you want, in their teen years in whatever way you want! You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit. Have at it!
Hey guys I don’t think that’s what the melons were meant for…
Thank you Omegapex and LockeZero for your great submissions!! Hope to see you again later!
Artists Included:
Omegapex (http://omegasarting.tumblr.com)
LockeZero (http://lockezero.tumblr.com)