
Who are you hiding from Thorax? All the crazy shippers and matchmakers? And Pinkie, i barely even saw you there! A most brilliant use of gillie suit camouflage…though how long did it take you to fill all of that area with cotton candy?

Thank you Derpanater and you too m0nster-c00kie for participating in today’s challenge! Hope you both had a great time, and we’ll see y’all later for the next 30 minute challenge!

Derpanater (
m0nster-c00kie (


I’m picturing something like No One Lives Forever, or Ghost in the Shell. Some sort of stealth/action third person game, with Fluttershy as the protagonist!

Thank you so much for your submission Keboponda! Hope you’ll decide to join us again soon for more challenges!

Artist link:
Keboponda (

Can I be her next volunteer?

Thanks for drawing a sexually deviant magician today, Ivy! Hope you had fun, her assistant had fun, and she had fun. ( preferably of the sweet and filthy variety~! ) 

And soon, there will be more fun! As another challenge will be issued, and we’ll see who answers the call!

Artists Included:

Ivy (

My my, these mare’s certainly do seem to enjoy their toys quite a lot!

Thank you very much for all your contributions to today’s challenge, artists! Hope much fun was had, and hope you’ll join us again soon for more challenges!

Artists Included:

HowToBen (
elbenjaftw (
mpushomework (
KD (
Lockezero (

Impressive length and flexibility being displayed here by Futaloo. Aawesome job girl, keep it up and you’ll be cumming in no time!

Thank you for your submission LockeZero, for without your contribution our inbox would be barren, empty, and sad. And who wants that shit?

So until the next time we challenge you all to draw, have fun and stay awesome!

Artists Included:

LockeZero (

If I had money, Dash’s meter would be filled to the max! And what a great way to make cash during the nighttime hours, fun too!

Thanks for your participation in this challenge, PoneBoning! I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as these lovely ladies seem to be, and we hope to see you soon for another challenge!

Artists Included:

PoneBoning (