Sergeant 16-Bit did a lot of art! :D

Some of this is a bit risque, but it’s not something I’d classify as NSFW, so be a tad warned.

Sergeant really went all out with how much art he made! He and the other Ed Boys hung out quite a bit in the game room!

Sergeant 16-Bit is your Eddy and I believe Caleb The Dogman is Ed! They also work on some Sonic Paradox stuff!

I think a few art pieces are missing actually, one of the pieces of art of High Score, the Pixel Ponies mascot, and a pair of Sarge’s pictures a friend of his took a shine to. But otherwise that should be all the art from Trotcon this year!

Hope you all enjoyed participating and viewing all this art! It was a blast and we hope to see you all next year too!


…Y’know, it’d make sense for her to be an alien, right?

Thank you for showing us the truth today, Pabbles! Our minds have been expanded with secret knowledge, and cute art! Always happy to see you take part in our challenges, and we hope to see you back again many more times to come!

Artist: Pabbles (

Oh no, the doodles melt! D:

Looks like Monster Cookie was even busier than Locke this roundup!

Thanks for participating you guys! Hope ya had fun!

Artists Included:

Wall Doodles (
m0nster-c00kie (

We really like having our ponies love one specific object. Though only one of these three actually has that object as her cutie mark…

Thanks to Ivy, m0nster-c00kie, and KD for your submissions!

See you all soon for another challenge!

Artists Included:

Ivy (
m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr)
KD (