We’re finally doing The Roundup again!

For those that don’t know that means if you’ve ever done anything for the 30minchallenge and later updated it or missed a box or were inspired or whatever.. maybe done some art of our mascot, Quickdraw,. no matter how old any of it may be… you can submit it to us for the next 24 hours. Highly recommend you leave your details if you submit, particularly if you don’t come by often. That way credit is definitely given

Challenges will continue as normal, meaning there’ll be a Luna and just after the next Twilight we’ll start posting The Roundup stuff. I recommend when putting in details also noting that it’s for a currently running challenge… just because its all going to the same box right now and that’ll make things easier for the challenge runners.

I think that about covers it. Basically, we like your updates, fan art, and want to see and credit it and any things that just got missed. Art is great and important as is any progress you make. Thanks for reading, hope to see your stuff!