Hmm, it looks like we’ve got an Ivory cleaning up after a long day of mining, eh? Make sure to scrub thoroughly!

It seems that’s all for this one though ^^ the new episode is probably drawing a lot of attention, eh? Ah well, hope you guys enjoy none the less.

We’ll see you tomorrow for more challenges. Coming up in just a bit is The Roundup!

Artists Included:

Vedoze (


Today’s Bonus Challenge is… Apple Cider and Ivory!

Clearly these two are alternate versions of Applejack and Rarity, yeah? If you haven’t seen them before they were dreamed up by sidenart!

It’s a sorta swappy thing, but not exactly. If you’re not familiar you can check out a lot of art (including some personality pondering concept sketches) here on Siden’s art tag on Derpi.

This artist is a vet of the challenges and all that nsfw jazz and of course I asked ‘em if we could run this and all, soooo you’re all good to do as you like for this challenge!

You’ve got 45 minutes to draw whatever you like involving Apple Cider and Ivory or any other characters from their universe followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

We’re giving this challenge another shot! I feel like it didn’t get a fair shake as a bonus challenge a bit back, so we’re giving it a go now on the American!

Sorry for the lack of the reminder today, but we’re going up on time and doing it just like described above! Hope you guys have fun ^^

Today’s Euro Challenge is… Twilight Sparkle’s Balloon!!!

Now that she’s an alicorn, Twilight doesn’t need to use her balloon as much anymore to get around. Seems like she rents it out for the usage of those less wing-enabled these days. In any case, your challenge is to draw Twilight Sparkle’s balloon!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!