Amazing arts and Luna love! She is the princess of the night, and so far, seems like she’s in the hearts of many!

Though the moon is pretty cute with her XD

Artists Included:

lumineko (
JonFawkes (
Urban Hoof (
NorthernSprint (

Coffee is magic! And it makes you magically more productive, faster, and less effected by gravity as well*

Thanks to all who participated!

*(your results may vary)

Artists Included:

Lily Smith (
lumineko (
JoeyH3 (
symplefable (
JonFawkes (
matt-sanart (

Awesome entries by some awesome people! can’t wait for what these guys do next!

We got Pinkie’s and pepper mint Twists, even A DJ Pirate! Now theres a lot of twists

Congrats on everyone who entered, and also, amazing job everyone!

Artists Included:

lumineko (
JonFawkes (
JoeyH3 (
TellyWeb Cartoons (

I’m inclined to agree with Rainbow – 2PM is way too early to be waking up.

Thanks to all who participated! See you tomorrow!

Artists Included:

lumineko (
JonFawkes (
JoeyH3 (
matt-sanart (

No party like a Pinkie Pie zombie party! Seems like we have a lot of survivors and some starry-eyed drones here. Did you survive?

Artists Included:

lumineko (
Mabu (
JonFawkes (
matt-sanart (