
Fun fact, ‘Tonguing‘ refers to the tonguers, men who would cut up the whales on shore; they also often acted as intepreters with Māori communities, who also worked as part of the whaling crews.( I copy pasted this from a google search! )

Thanks for taking part in this challenge, xbi!

Artist: xbi (http://)

ARR! Those be some mighty fine pony pirates I reckon!

Big thanks to all our participants today! I hope you all choose to come back and join us again. More art is always a welcome sight!

Artists Included:

Cuddle Shy (http://)
m0nster-c00kie (
Empyu (
Pirate Dash (
MasterofRoku (

There be many ponies that turn to piracy, be it for sparkly things or for cuddles taken at the point of a boop.

Thanks for participating folks! Hope ya had fun!

We’ll see ye later buckos! Yar!

Artists Included:

Xbi (
Pirate Dash (
Derpanater (
Masterofroku (
Pabbles (