Oh dear, looks like some ponies can’t take the heat!

Thanks for the submissions everyone! Hope you all had a blast! We’ll see you again for the Celestia challenge!

Artists Included:

Chezamoon18 (http://chezamoon18.deviantart.com)
xbi (http://xbi.deviantart.com/)
OverUnity (http://mostlydoodles.tumblr.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)

I’d tell Ponks that she’s doin’ it wrong.. but she’s Ponks. That makes it right.

Thanks for the draws, and we’ll see you later with more challenge!

Artists Included:

Ivy (http://sweetcleanfun.tumblr.com)
OverUnity (http://mostlydoodles.tumblr.com/)
m0nster-c00kie (http://m0nster-c00kie.tumblr.com)
Yakoshi (http://yakoshi-draws-ponies.tumblr.com)