There’s the Luna from our late friend :3 please message the challenge again with a way to contact you regarding a prize.

Also we’ve got a Sunset Pet from a challenge a bit back for part of the roundup! That should do for the night’s art!

As said prior we’re just waiting for everyone to respond before prizes get sent out =3

So many monkeyshines! All with moon horse! :’D guess there’s no surprise that there’d be so much overlap, eh?

I’ll contact folks about the prizes starting now, give it a few minutes and you should have a message!

Artists Included:

Nova Spark (

grieferTock (

M. Kogwheel (

kids in africa couldve eaten those games (
Empyu (http://)
BronyGuard (

G-Haze (

Man, those turtles are perfectly ordinary! There’s no way they’ll ever be mutant or teenage!

In all seriousness though I’m not sure if horse is supposed to represent Splinter or April or what. That’s one radical tortoise though!

Thanks for participating guys! Hope you had fun~

We’ll have another challenge in a few hours, see ya then~?

Bye for now!

Artists Included:

FuchsianMilk (
derpyhorsedrawswhatever (http://)