Today’s Celestia Challenge is…

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Image result for Monster Girl

Monster Girls! Simple as that! Goblins? Lamias? Sphinxes? Tall? Small? Level 3? Level 89? Anything goes as long as it’s a monster lady! You could even ponify one if you really wanted :3

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

(had this kicking around for the challenge that didn’t queue properly… and then it also refused to function right this morning… so sorry about the additional delay -.-)

Oh no AJ are the bills on the farm that bad? I just don’t get how rarity does so well selling clothing to nudists while AJ and the apples seem to be getting by while selling fruit to herbivores. Well….. chin up its just a cute photo shoot anyway.

Thanks to Pabbles ( for this piece and see you all next time.

Looks like pinkie had a very interesting sort of fund raising party. Just need to figure out if its long term viable for that sorta thing. Or maybe she is just having fun and using the fund raiser as an excuse?

Either way thanks to MKogwheel ( for this submission.

money challenge

Money. That thing people do a lot of do a lot with and seems to be a constant even if its form and value changes. So thats the theme today. Money. Cash. whatever term you want.

So take 30 minutes drawing someone doing something with money then you get 15 to send it into the inbox.