I don’t think we’ve had Branch Molester just plain ol’ do her special talent for a challenge yet, so, it is time to do so!

Could be literal tree hugging or not of course, up to you! Bloomberg and the ToH are included just in case you want ‘em, no obligation.

You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Oh Sweetie. Why would you take one with a toilet in the background? Now everyone is gunna think you’re weird!

Is that Silver Spoon with Scoots or am I crazy?

Also featured are a confuzicorn and a dapper young beach Spike :3

Artists Included:

lumineko (http://www.lumineko.com)
Lily Smith (http://thatgirlwithmorethanonename.tumblr.com)
Jaybeem (http://jaybeaniemags.deviantart.com/)
phallen1 (http://phallen1.deviantart.com/)