Lots o’ different hair things! o3o very nice~

Thanks for participatin’ folks! Hope you had fun!

We’ll see you next time for more challenge, g’bye for now~

Artists Included:

helix (http://theplacewherestuffhappens.tumblr.com)
Vanilla Cherry Cream (http://vanilla-cherry-cream.tumblr.com/)
BronyGuard (http://bronyguard.tumblr.com/)
Outofworkderpy (http://Outofworkderpy.tumblr.com)
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com/)

We’ve got a Celly and Lulu from the earlier challenge, very nice and silly XD

And a nice Quick Draw, not actually vase-y but I ain’t complainin’ :3

Bunch o’ nice arts though! Impressive stuff folks~

Thanks for participatin’, hope you had fun!

We’ll see you all later for more stuffs o3o bye for now!

Artists Included:

Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)
Amber Fawn (blog NSFW) (https://www.tumblr.com/blog/askamberfawn)
BronyGuard (http://bronyguard.tumblr.com/)

There’s the Luna from our late friend :3 please message the challenge again with a way to contact you regarding a prize.

Also we’ve got a Sunset Pet from a challenge a bit back for part of the roundup! That should do for the night’s art!

As said prior we’re just waiting for everyone to respond before prizes get sent out =3

So many monkeyshines! All with moon horse! :’D guess there’s no surprise that there’d be so much overlap, eh?

I’ll contact folks about the prizes starting now, give it a few minutes and you should have a message!

Artists Included:

Nova Spark (http://novasparksart.tumblr.com/)

grieferTock (http://griefertock.tumblr.com/)

M. Kogwheel (http://mkogwheel.tumblr.com/)

kids in africa couldve eaten those games (http://paizurieyes.tumblr.com)
Empyu (http://)
BronyGuard (http://bronyguard.tumblr.com/)

G-Haze (http://g-haze.deviantart.com/)

First comes the spicy ones!

Heh, monkeys and mischief… what more could you want from tricking the moon princess during the lunar new year in the year of the monkey~?

Artists Included:

Vanilla Cherry Cream (http://vanilla-cherry-cream.tumblr.com/)

Mr. i_edit_stuff_in_paint_with_a_mouse (http://doesn’t even fit the theme)

HollowNote (http://hollownote.tumblr.com)
dogg (http://doggart.tumblr.com/)