Many unexpected potty mouths in this batch :’D small children, Twilight, Fluttershy, Derpy… naughty naughty!

Thanks for participating everyone! Hope you had a heck of a hoot of a ding dang good time!


Been a good bit since we had one and now that I’m back and it’s Sunday… it’s time!

So, for the uninitiated that means 24 hours of box being open and you can submit art related to old challenges (updated, did off the challenge time, et cetera), fan art of 30min challenge stuff, art made using things like cosplay and source and so on… you get the idea!

After Twilight Challenge tomorrow we’ll be posting it all! Submit as much as you like regarding whatever you’d like no matter how old!

Artists Included:

xbi (
Empyu (
dnon (
Pabbles (

So many different types of burritos! Evil burritos, CMC burritos, Rock burritos, and even a muffin burrito!!

Thank you to all who participated!! I hope you all had fun!!
And we hope you will all come back and join us for more challenges!!

Artists Included:

dnon (
Nodthenarcoleptic (
Zemer (
TellyWeb Cartoons (

Wheeled transportation should be left exclusively to pink ponies, yes.

Oranges, purples, babies, and so on, are dangerous with wheels!

Thanks for participating everyone! Hope you had fun!

We’ll see you later for more challenge! Bye for now~

Artists Included:

platypus-in-a-bottle (
Cuddle Shy Draws (
tacodeltaco (
Pabbles (

Seems we’ve got some errors with the clones but Derpy got it right eventually!

thanks for the submissions everyone! Hope you all had fun! We’ll see ya for the celestia challenge and don’t forget, the roundup is still going on as well!

Artists Included:

Iggy the Kidd (
dnon (
Pabbles (

And we have Apple Bling, Meanie Belle, and Scootaloser to create the Cutie Mark Criticizers? Also a Daring Don’t to wrap things up!

Thanks to Spooky, dnon, and m0nster-c00kie for participating today! We’ll see you guys later for more challenges!

Artists Included:

dnon (
m0nster-c00kie (

Flying kites is fun! And it looks like Applebloom and Scootaloo got an idea from their sisters. 

Thank you, El-yeguero and Desertfox 500 for submitting some art! Just like these fillies, I hope you had fun.

And we hope to see you back later for more challenges

Artists Included:

Desertfox500 (
el-yeguero (

Aww. Dash and Scootaloo are so cute together. They are wonderful sisters!

Thanksfor the art, Jumblehorse and Sixthousandbees. Hope you both had fun.

And we hope you will join us later for more challenges!

Artists Included:

jumblehorse (
sixthousandbees (