We’ve got 3 sfw submissions here… and one nsfw on Derpibooru! Pinchy is a young, you see. You can find that one using the 30minchallenge tag.

Hope you guys had fun setting up these shenanigans :3

We’ll see you next time for more challenge! Bye for now~

Artists Included:

Vanilla Cherry Cream (http://vanilla-cherry-cream.tumblr.com/)
TJ ( http://piratedashmod.tumblr.com/ )

Starting young!

What? How else did you think he got that ripped?

We had a second submission, but it was broken and the submitter (Aimi) didn’t get back to me on the issue yet.

I’ll leave the box open, so you’ll be able to submit it at your leisure :3

Thanks for participating! Hope you guys had fun!

We’ll see you later for more challenge! Bye for now~

Artists Included:

Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)

Oh Celestia! *laugh track*

Even Cadance wants a liiiittle cake at least though ^^

Thanks for participating guys! Hope you had fun~

See you soon for more challenge! Bye for now!

Artists Included:

Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
Aimi Hanibal (http://Aimihanibal.tumblr.com)

Looks like some ponies just thrive in chaos, eh Pinks?

Sunbutt on the other hand… well, it could be worse, right? XD

Thanks for participating guys :3 hope ya had fun!

We’ll see you next time for more challenge! Bye for now~

Artists Included:

Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
hackd (http://hackdart.tumblr.com)