As far as I could tell the middle one was just shiny and not lewd, so I tossed it into SFW. Let me know if I’m wrong I suppose!

Sassy green wings is sassy. Just don’t get blown up guuuurl.

Thanks for participating everyone, hope ya had fun!

See ya~

Artists Included:

Aimi Hanibal (http://
Neoncel (
Flashlighttwi (

Looks like Tempest has a thing or two to learn yet, like how her friends will probably only ask for nice and pretty magical spells to be cast on them, not dark ones. Just make Twi look like Cadance here! That’s all you gotta do, girl!

A big thanks to Moonatik and Aimi Hanibal for taking part in the challenge today! If you enjoyed yourselves, please do come back for more challenges!

Artists Included:

Moonatik (
Aimi Hanibal (http://

“Oh My Gosh! I had no clue i had so many fans wanting to draw me!”
You do now, Angel Wings!

Thanks everyone for participating! See you later for the Twilight Challenge! And also, the Roundup box is open all day for any late entries and other challenge drawings!

Artists Included:

Axquirix (
Aimi Hanibal (
FlutterThrash (
Pabbles (

Huh, must have been some interesting things to the right today! 😮 it’s a great inspiration sometimes to just look around you, eh?

I wonder what that cute lil’ sidekick’s name is? o3o

Really good stuff guys, nice job 😀 we’ll see you next time for more challenge! Bye for now~

Artists Included:

Aimi Hanibal (
Empyu (
Pabbles (