Whew, those Alicorn powers are being given out like candy on Halloween! Trixie, Bonbon, Roseluck, oh my!

Artists Included:

Derpanater (http://dronehunter19.deviantart.com/)
dnon (http://probablydnon.tumblr.com)
m0nster-c00kie (http://m0nster-c00kie.tumblr.com)
Nel- Robert Dim (https://robertdimesmcoldds.tumblr.com)
xbi (http://xbi.deviantart.com)
tacodeltaco (http://tacoderps.tumblr.com)

Wheeled transportation should be left exclusively to pink ponies, yes.

Oranges, purples, babies, and so on, are dangerous with wheels!

Thanks for participating everyone! Hope you had fun!

We’ll see you later for more challenge! Bye for now~

Artists Included:

platypus-in-a-bottle (http://platypus-in-a-bottle.tumblr.com)
Cuddle Shy Draws (http://www.deviantart.com/ShedShyIsCool)
tacodeltaco (http://tacoderps.tumblr.com)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)