NSFW art~

Battery powered and battery powered fun!

Thanks go out to Pabbles and ShineyFilthyWork for their participation in this challenge! Glad you guys took part, and hope you show up again soon!

Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)
ShinyFilthyWork (https://twitter.com/ShinyFilthyWork)

Pistachio challenge

Todays cadance challenge is pistachio! The young fashion pony in the making. The unexpected gift from rarity due to a bit of an address mismatch gave him a lot of hope for the future. Especially since he got to meet Rarity and she gave him some hope for his future.

So you for 30 minutes to show how he is doing or perhaps how he turned out when the last episode came along. Then you get 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.

Today’s Non-pony Twilight challenge is…Moon’s Haunted!

The meme’s been around for a long time, but with the Shadowkeep expansion of Destiny 2, it’s been brought back up in a big way, even being part of their marketing campaign!

Anyway, so, the moon’s haunted…so what are you gonna do about it? Know anybody who can help? Got somebody to call? Maybe know a friendly ghost to help you out? Maybe talk to someone with first-hoof experience from years spent on the moon? Whatever you want really!

45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit!


Today’s Luna challenge is…Equestrian police Reports!

Crazy stuff happens every day in equestria! So what must it be like to be on the police force? Having to write up reports on this stuff all the time!?! Getting first-hoof experience at crime scenes and probably even getting swept up in the chaos as it happens!

you have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!

Today’s Luna is…


MLPTM Prequel issue 3 Chummer

Friends Forever issue 6 Chancellor Jim

DD Rover ID S1E19

Abyssinians! Diamond Dogs! Living Together! Mass Hysteria!

In other words draw you a dog dude and cat dude. Or dudettes. How they get along, or don’t, and what they’re doing, is up to you!

Feel free to make your own and to be liberal in your interpretations, that seems to be the standard for these races as far as I know!

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~