NSFW Art~!

It would seem that future Spur is now taming beast of a more sexual nature. But now the real question is, did she tame this beast to well, or not enough?

Thanks for participating in this challenge, Pabbles! See ya again soon!

Artist: Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)

NSFW Art~!

Looks like Cadance is ahead in the oral competition by 2 mouthfulls of jizz, but she’s graciously let Shimmy take the top spot for the next competition~!

Pabbles, Sunny Sidde-Down, thank you so much for joining us for tonight’s challenge! Keep up the good work, and we’ll see you all next time!

Sunny Sidde-Down (https://twitter.com/SunnySiddeDown)
Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)