NSFW Art~!

It would seem that future Spur is now taming beast of a more sexual nature. But now the real question is, did she tame this beast to well, or not enough?

Thanks for participating in this challenge, Pabbles! See ya again soon!

Artist: Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)

NSFW Art~!

I’m not sure which tall tale she’s telling, but I’d love to hear it myself!

Thank you for deciding to participate in this challenge, Sunny Sidde-Down! Hope you had as much fun as Trixie did!

Artist: Sunny Sidde-Down (https://twitter.com/SunnySiddeDown)

NSFW Art~!

Looks like Cadance is ahead in the oral competition by 2 mouthfulls of jizz, but she’s graciously let Shimmy take the top spot for the next competition~!

Pabbles, Sunny Sidde-Down, thank you so much for joining us for tonight’s challenge! Keep up the good work, and we’ll see you all next time!

Sunny Sidde-Down (https://twitter.com/SunnySiddeDown)
Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)

NSFW art~

Cummy hooves and those yet to be cummed upon, all are excellent!

Pabbles, Poneboner, thank you for your lovely contributions to the lewd challenge today! Cum by again anytime!

Poneboner (https://twitter.com/BoningPone)
Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)


Ah, so the origin story for a NEW hive of changelings! I like it! And it seems like Twilight does too~!

Thanks for taking part in today’s challenge, Pabbles! Looking forwards to seeing you join us again for more challenges!

Artist: Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)

NSFW art!~

She’s also adept at gender modification spells it would seem! Or maybe she’s always had this, and just uses magic to hide it? Either way, her offer is one I would gladly accept!

Thanks for making this lewd art for the challenge, MKogwheel! Hope you had a fun time, and we’d love to see your come back soon for more challenges!

Artist: MKogwheel (https://twitter.com/MKogwheelR18)

NSFW art!

Looks like the answer is, she gets fucked! And fucked a lot in many different ways at that!

Thanks for enlightening us as to what my favorite princess does on this joyous holiday, hexado! With this knowledge now imparted upon us, we can venture forth unto the next challenge with enlightened minds and engorged loins!

Artist: hexado (https://www.derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-hexado)

Only one entry today, but oh boy is it a fun one! Plus, I can totally see that happening!

jcosneverexisted, thank you for this lovely image you’ve given us today. Hope you enjoyed yourself at least as much as Silvetstream seems to be enjoying herself, and that you’ll be back with us again real soon for more challenges!

Artists Included:

jcosneverexisted (http://jcosneverexisted.com/)