Looks like Zecora had a run in with Chrysalis, hopefully it was consensual all around!

Thanks for taking part in this challenge, Pabbles! Hope you had a fun time, and we can’t wait to see you again for more challenges!

Artist: Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)

And today’s Twilight challenge is…The Chrysalis Resistance Timeline!

Y’all remember this bit from the episode where Starlight dun goofed super hard? Well, I wanna see you guys show me what life was like for these ponies, what their daily routine was like, how they lived and all that, so make it happen!

45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. CHANGELING CHECK! * blasts flamethrower in random directions *


Ooh, an army of scarecrow minions! Seems this trendy(hashtag not trendy)farmboy has truly embraced his evil side, and intends to make AJ his wife no matter the cost!

Or maybe he just wants a  bunch of plebeians who can sort his hate/fanmail, and run his twitter account while he does more important things, like complain about starbucks coffee names and the ethical treatment of porch couches.

Anyway, thank you so much xbi for taking part in this challenge today! Hope to see you again soon for more challenges!

Artist: xbi (https://xbi.deviantart.com)

The Twilight challenge today is…Super Villain Trenderhoof!

Exhibit A: A trendy doofus
Exhibit B: A Trendy doofus not being trendy
Exhibit C: A Hot supervillain babe
Combine these things together and you’ll probably get a horrible monstrosity, so better to just imagine how Trenderhoof would be as a Super Villain on his own.

30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit!

Today’s Twilight challenge is…Dead By Daylight crossover!

Dead by Daylight is a pretty fun game that is streamed by a decent number of people. 4 players try to survive against one player who is stalking them, and trying to eliminate them any way they can. Survivors have to rely on stealth and outsmarting the killer to make it through to the end of a match and escape!

So, I wanna see what all you do with this concept, mashed up with ponies! Do the EQG girls have some deadly encounters? Maybe ponify the whole thing? Perhaps see who fits the personality of what character and/or killer best and mix the two together?

you have 45 minutes to survive and 15 to draw. Good luck out there, in the fog…