See this is why dash bugs aj so much. She just doesn’t want to admit that’s why. You know it, i know it, everyone except tank knows it so lets move on.

Thanks to Pabbles ( and see you all next time.

Todya’s Cadance challenge is…lawnmower repair/care!

We’ve seen that the ponies mow their lawns with push mowers, so it’s not that big a stretch to assume they probably have self propelled and riding mowers too! And with all of these contraptions, they will require maintenance and eventual repair. SO, let’s see what that looks like!

45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit!

Looks like lemon zest brings out more of the musical party side of pinkie or maybe pinkies cannon brings out an extra layer is lemons rocker side. Either way this fits them so perfectly.

Thank you to elbenjaftw ( for this piece of art and see you all at luna.