
Oh yeah, Dash partied a bit to hard, and she is absolutely feeling it.

Thanks for stopping by for the challenge,  Pabbles! Hope to see you again soon!

Artist: Pabbles (

The Luna challenge is…The Hangover after Nightmare Night!

Be it alcohol, candy, or something else, let’s see some ponies who are feeling the effects of their crazy Nightmare Night party the previous night!

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!


Trixie and Shining Armor

Todays luna challenge is the matching of trixie, self proclaimed rival to twilight sparkle, and Shining armor brother of the same twilight sparkle. They are, like many others, connected to each other through the princess of friendship. The question is how would that cause them to be with each other.

You got 45 minutes to show us how they would react to each other and then 15 minutes to send the art in.