
If ya can’t tell who this is, the submitter sent along a reference image!

Jack Black as a pony! Awesome!

Thank you, xXJablinskiGaymsFAN69Xx, your contribution to our plan for global domination is appreciated.

Artist: xXJablinskiGaymsFAN69Xx (http://)


Well, unexpected side effects are bound to happen when you get so crazy with your sciencing, Twilight!

A hearty thanks to both our artists who took part in this challenge, Fakskis and Pabbles! See y’all next time!

Fakskis (
Pabbley (

It’s funny, I always thought Silver Spoon was the mayor’s daughter. Makes that pic pretty interesting in my brain.

But yeah, great work guys :3 hope you had a good time drawing Diamond! And also friend horse!

See you later for more challenge! G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

Empyu (
phallen1 (