How would you all feel about combining the Euro and Asian challenges into one and having the time it is ran be about in the middle? Say about 10 AM CST?
Lately it’s been mostly just me trying to run three different challenges. As I’m sure you can guess this is pretty rough in the day to day.
Submissions have also been down for both challenges lately. So that’s lose lose as far as I’m concerned.
If you’d rather keep things as is that’s fine. But regardless it may need some encouraging results to stay the way it is.
I know some artists have had a lot on their plate these days. Perfectly understandable. In fact I know two that have been moving and not able to participate as often these past few weeks.
So I acknowledge this might all be a temporary issue. Particularly since we ARE looking for additional staff as well. But it’s food for thought in case we have to change things.
Really, we want to bring you guys as many challenges as we reasonably can and have them be entertaining. We want this to go well. But we need your help to do it.
So! Spread the word we’re still around and kicking. A lot of people probably lost us in our hacking issue. You know an artist or are one and might participate? We’d really like to see them or you here!
And don’t forget to let us know what you think about going down to two challenges and what time slots you feel would be best (in CST please)!
Thanks for reading and hopefully your assistance :3