Heyo there! Today, draw whatever you feel like from episode 40. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Derpy got a voice. The derails were so immense that it shook the very foundation of the fandom as we know it. The flamewars raged for… a time, anyway. And then there was a completely unnecessary edit but by the time it came out everypone had already forgotten. Drama!
Derpy was a miniscule part of the episode. It was really about Applejack being way too prideful and full of anxiety and running away to pick cherries, causing Pinkie to blow a fuse. Chimicherrychangas, anyone? And poor, disgruntled Rarity…
Draw whatever you want from the episode! Pickle barrel kumquat!
You’ve got 45 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Have fun!