Todays cadance non pony challenge is hunter x hunter. From the same guy who made yu yu hakusho we have hunter x hunter. With a wide range of characters in both personality and looks you have a lot to choose from today.
From the phantom troupe, *also known as the spiders* to the legendary zoldyke assassin family that has a tourist bus drive by their home as a tourist attraction there are lots of people. The greed island arch of a video game that is just real life and the hunter exam that started it all the world seems to be large.
special forms of fighting that can lead to victory from good old fashion punches to the ridiculous like vacuum cleaners with sharp teeth and googly eyes combat can be unique as well.
So pick someone from the series and draw them as you like. Since it is so large in scale of characters you can have 45 minutes to find and draw someone from the series and then add fifteen minutes to submit the art.