The Future of The Challenge Blog


I know many of you have been inquiring about the future of the blog. Aaaaand I didn’t want to say anything until our plans were all in place and done with.

But it seems we are a little slow on getting our blog transferred to its new home. Basically we’re moving the entire blog’s contents so it is taking longer than anticipated. And beyond that we may have to do some layout tweaks and all that. It depends on what all the importer… imports.

For now all I can do is give you a link. You can keep your eyes on this blog for now. We’ll keep doing things here until the new site is ready and we’ll post here letting you know when we change over. will be the new URL.

Keep in mind there’s really nothing to see at the moment. A bunch of the old posts from this blog as they transfer might show up? Or pretty much nothing. I’m a tad fuzzy on the details. It’s very much a work in progress, so don’t judge it until we’re done setting up!

In the end we chose this method, hosting our own content on a wordpress page, to somewhat replicate the Tumblr feel and also have no content restrictions. Unlike on Tumblr where (under normal circumstances)

we couldn’t post certain content it’ll be pretty much anything goes on the site we’re hatching.

So, keep your eyes peeled for the move over to that space! Until then we’ll be here! I just didn’t want you to think we weren’t going to do anything and have you or us disappear on the 17th and thinking that was the end of the challenge.